MASC/MAHS Michigan Student Leadership is thrilled to continue a professional development program just for advisers. The Adviser Network is a webinar series designed to support you throughout the school year with sessions that pertain directly to your work. Join us for the entire program, or just one day – it’s up to you!
Adviser Network Session Dates and Locations
- September 14th @ Virtual Workshop: Advising 101, New Advisers Training – Student Government
- September 15th @ Virtual Workshop: Advising 101, New Advisers Training – NHS
- TDB @ Virtual Workshop: Project Planning and Evaluation
- Session four: Legality in Advising and Resource Showcase | @ Student State Conference
- Session five: The State of Michigan Education | @ Student State Conference
Session One: Advising 101, New Advisors Training – Student Government
Date: September 14th
Time: 3:30-4:15pm
Location: Zoom Webinar
Investment: FREE
This quick, informational introductory webinar is great for new advisers and seasoned advisers alike. Program concepts include constitutional review (or creation), activity record keeping, keeping an active budget, calendar/event planning, event management, leadership curricular lesson planning, voting and elections, project planning process, meeting planning, working with an executive board and much more.
Session Two: Advising 101, New Advisors Training – NHS
Date: September 15th
Time: 3:30-4:15pm
Location: Zoom Webinar
Investment: FREE
NHS differs from many student activity organizations as it is governed by a set of very specific guidelines outlined in its national constitution. Each local chapter should have its own bylaws that may give the chapter its own personality, but the chapter must remain in compliance with the national guidelines. In this webinar the specifics of selection, induction, retention and dismissal will be shared. The role of the advisor, principal and faculty council will also be highlighted. The 10 basic necessities all chapters must adhere to will be discussed. Connections to new national programs will also be shared. Advisors attending the workshop will leave with a better understanding of procedures to follow, actions to avoid and how to get answers to questions regarding chapter operation.
Session three: Project Planning Process and Evaluation
This informational webinar covers the detailed Project Planning Process in full, easy to follow steps. This process takes into consideration the multitude of tasks, assignments, committee formation and execution tactics needed to support a successful event/idea while achieving maximum student growth. Utilizing this technique allows for students to gain a better understanding of how to find gaps in the school environment and take the necessary action to formulate appropriate plans if attack. From idea generation to execution, this model is sure to streamline your process, take work off your plate and empower students with a proven and tested process. This webinar will also cover our project evaluation and data mining tactics – where true student growth can be seen.
Date: TBD
Location: Zoom Webinar
Investment: FREE