Participants and their families should make sure that they have read and understand each of the following policies. Questions can be directed to the MASC/MAHS Michigan Student Leadership office or the Camp Director at any time.
Registration and Payment
In order to attend our Summer Leadership Camp program, all participants must register using our Camp Registration Portal. You must place a deposit (which is applied to your final cost) or pay your registration fee in full in order to submit your registration. The balance of each student’s registration fee is due on or before June 14, 2024.
Our new registration portal will provide you the opportunity to set up a payment plan during the registration process for your remaining balance after your deposit is paid. Payment for camp will need to be made directly in the Camp Registration Portal using a debit/credit card or an electronic check.
Registrants may cancel their spot with Michigan Summer Leadership Camp until June 14, 2024 without penalty and to receive a full refund. For a registration to be canceled, the Camp Director must be notified via phone at (517) 327-5315 or via email at Camp registration deposits/fees are non-refundable for any reason for any cancellations made after June 14, 2024.
Substitutions are welcome any time. Substitutions cannot be a previously registered or currently registered camp delegate. Substitute participants accept all risk and financial responsibility of the original camper. Please notify the MASC/MAHS Michigan Student Leadership office for any substitution requests.
Participants of the Michigan Summer Leadership Camp assume all financial liability for costs of registration, as well as associated costs (transportation, etc.). The balance of each camp payment is due June 14, 2024. Registrants will be billed until the amount due is collected, regardless of attendance at camp (please see cancellation policy above).
Michigan Summer Leadership Camp strives to make our students as comfortable as possible. We staff our Camp with compassionate and trained individuals to deal with a number of issues ranging from homesickness to health issues. With the growth that our programs have seen in recent years, we are unable to accommodate rooming requests of any kind. Staff will work with students on securing their personal items, however MASC/MAHS Michigan Student Leadership is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items within dorm rooms, within the use of Camp activities, or items stored for the duration of Camp. Please do not bring expensive, sentimental, or valuable articles to Camp.
There are a number of specific behaviors that are outlined in the permission form at the conclusion of the registration packet. Please make sure student participants and family members have reviewed this. We have a zero tolerance stance on bullying, substance abuse, destructive behavior, and inter-gender behavior as outlined in those policies. While negative behavior issues at the Michigan Summer Leadership Camp are very rare, please know that if any of these standards or policies are violated, the student will be asked to leave at the expense of the participant with parent/guardian, adviser and/or principal being contacted.
Arrival and Departure
Michigan Summer Leadership Camp is very dependent on the full experience to teach the ideals and lessons that we value. It is very difficult for students to arrive late or depart early, not only for the student themselves, but also the group dynamics that they leave behind. If extreme circumstances warrant a student arriving late to Camp, it must be no later than noon on Monday of the camp program. If a student needs to leave early for unavoidable conflict, the earliest that he/she will be permitted to leave is at 5:00p.m. the day before the end of the camp program. Please refer to the online late arrival/early departure form and complete the information in full. Note: reduced rates are not available.
Student Transportation
Students are not required to have a parent or guardian present to check-in or out of camp. Many schools arrange for groups to travel together, with the ride responsibility split among family members of campers. Students may drive themselves and park their car on campus, however this is not suggested due to the emotional and physical drain that students coming to camp will experience over the course of the time together (don’t worry, it’s a positive drain). Students who elect to park on campus must follow the directions of the staff and understand that their vehicle is parked at their own risk. MASC/MAHS Michigan Student Leadership is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items during or after the Camp schedule.
Health Information/Controlled Substances
We trust that each and every Camp participant will have accurate and up-to-date information on his/her medical portion of the registration packet. The MASC/MAHS Michigan Student Leadership Core Staff and Medical Coordinators will used this information to act in accordance to your student’s best interest in each situation. If an event occurs, the Camp Director will notify the emergency contact listed on the form. In the case of an emergency, the Camp Director, his designee, and the medical staff will provide fast and appropriate responses utilizing emergency services within the venue and community as necessary. In all cases, only the substances and medications listed on your student’s medical form and prescribed to him/her should be in your student’s possession. Students in possession of medications, treatments, or substances not prescribed to them, and not listed on the medical form will be considered in violation of the behavior agreement, and subject to Camp, school, and/or district policies. Local law enforcement may be utilized in the case of controlled substances that are suspected to have been illegally acquired. Questions about this policy can be directed to the camp director at anytime.