2018 School Year Submissions
Marine City Middle School
Souper Bowl Football Pool
We joined in the nation-wide Souper Bowl of Caring again this year. To get more students involved in donating to our local food pantry, we offered an incentive. The first 100 students to donate two or more items for the food drive were put into a football pool. (Student names were entered onto a football squares sheet.) The Friday before the Super Bowl, we randomly drew numbers and had a bulletin board set up so everyone knew their numbers before the big game. We used funds to purchase gift cards to award the winners of the straight and reverse scores from the Super Bowl for each quarter. We also awarded the top grade level with an “electronics” seminar hour.
2016-17 School Year Submissions
University High School Academy:
Lori Lewis – Lori.lewis@southfieldk12.org
Adopt A Family:
The UHSA Regionals presentation focuses on the Community Service events which take place within our school. More specifically, our StuCo participates in a project called Adopt-A-Family where we grant holiday wishes for families with children who are less fortunate. This event is one which opens our student’s eyes to see just how grateful they are and flourish in the spirit of giving. Additionally, our Student Congress participates in or creates at least one community service event each month to partake in. We have helped thousands of people and continues to do so to spread happiness throughout the community.
Warren Mott High School:
Michelle Balasia – mbalasia@wcskids.net
Giving Back:
As a way to give back to our community, we here at Warren Mott put on a night full of fun and games for Elementary schools in our area. We pack this night with things like ring toss and bounce houses. In our presentation we plan to bring a few of our games and let the students participate and helping everybody in attendance figure out the basics to planning this event.
Midland High School:
Monique Albright – albrightmr@midlandps.org
One Billion Raising:
One Billion Rising is a world wide domestic abuse movement to promote awareness about the 1 billion women that will be the victims of domestic violence in their lifetime. Midland High School has been involved in promoting awareness for this cause for the past two school years. Their mission is to help their school and community rise for a cause that is bigger than themselves. In this presentation, they will share how they were able to create awareness and hope to inspire the same passion they feel about this cause in your school.
John Glenn High School:
Shelly Hoffman – shellyhoffman@bangorschools.org
Relay for Life:
Relay for Life fundraiser for cancer awareness and outside leadership activities supporting the American Cancer Society Foundation.
University High School Academy:
Lori Lewis – Lori.lewis@southfieldk12.org
Leadership at the U:
As leaders of our school community, our Student Council puts together an annual event to support all clubs and teams in our school. Organizations from Book Club to the CSI Club attend this event in order to improve leadership, time management, teamwork and organization skills. Leadership night helps connect the leaders of our school and overall make us a closer school community. The presentation will include some tips and advice on who to runs successful Leadership Night so that other schools can benefit as well.
Grosse Pointe North High School:
Jonathan Byrne – byrnej@gpschools.com
Our presentation is about GPNspire, the overall process of running the event and its outcomes. We will include a step-by-step process with specific details to ensure the quality of the event. Throughout the presentation, we will show videos, pictures, and tweets from our past events. We will include a handout so it is easier for other schools to adopt this idea in its entirety and incorporate it into their community.
Churchill High School:
Paul Mercier – pmercier@livoniapublicschools.org
Prom Fashion Show:
Prom Fashion Show is a fundraiser that allows students to model dresses and tuxedos from local businesses. It can raise a lot of money for future fundraisers, charities, student activities, and class accounts. This event also allows local businesses the chance to advertise by donating door prizes or raffle items. Students LOVE this event!
Northville High School:
Chris Cronin – croninch@northvilleschools.org
Neinas Elementary Christmas Party:
– Every year, NHS Student Congress travels to Neinas Elementary School in Detroit to throw Christmas parties for the students. Many of these children come from poverty-stricken areas and are not able to have a traditional Christmas experience, so we do our best to bring that experience to the classroom in a fun-filled celebration. From crafts and cookie decorating to games and presents, the kids have a great time and everyone gets a lot out of the event. This is a great way to give back to the greater community and to really bring joy to the lives of others.
Avondale High School:
Carol Benson – carolyn.benson@avondale.k12.mi.us
Caring and Sharing Week:
Caring and Sharing week is a week long period shortly before winter break in which the entire student body comes together to help other students in need. These students don’t have enough money to provide themselves with meals over the winter break. In order to help out, Avondale has a week long event of fun, spirit, and most of all, giving. By doing this, Avondale is able to help provide meals for every student in need all winter break. Come see how our student leadership class puts together this awesome week!
Pinckney High School:
Lori Maurer – lmaurer@pinckneypirates.org
Senior Holiday Celebration:
Pinckney Community High School hosted a free Holiday celebration for any senior citizens interested in attending. Seniors in attendance were served an Italian dinner made by members of Student Government, as well as dessert, coffee, drinks, and a hot chocolate bar. During the celebration, a photo booth was set up and the seniors received polaroid pictures that they could then decorate picture frames for and take home as a souvenir! Additionally, the seniors participated in karaoke and got to hear a performance by the Pinckney High School Chamber Orchestra. All members of student government socialized with the senior citizens.
Wayne Memorial High School:
Lindsay Rousseau – rousseaul@wwcsd.net
Community Events:
Want to get more community involvement in your school? Check out our presentation! Every year, we host two or three community events that bring the community into the school to participate in games, crafts, face painting, snacks/dinner, pictures with Santa and the Easter Bunny, and even an Easter Egg Hunt! We invite all of the elementary students and their parents/guardians to celebrate the seasons with us, free of charge!
Clawson High School:
Dorian Hackney – dorian.hackney@clawsonschools.org
Community Service:
On Sunday, January 10, 2016, Clawson High School teacher suffered a massive heart attack. Doctors were unsure if he would survive it or not. He has since then made a miraculous recovery. The purpose of our presentation is to highlight how our school and outside community has come together in support of this teacher. Different groups and organizations have come together to conduct fundraiser a, activities and events that were in support of the teacher and his family. This has lead to strong growth in the community of Clawson.
Allen Park High School:
Sharon Gabon – gabon@appublicschools.com
Helping Freshmen:
Every Freshman is uncertain of what to expect with their first high school experience. As a school, we create a video teaching 10 different things to the incoming Freshmen to make their transition into high school easier and more fun. This presentation will include how to produce a similar video at your school, what will go into the process, and an example from this year at our school. We have made this project for the past 3 years and have experienced increasing success with each passing year.
2015-16 School Year Submissions
Standish-Sterling Central High School:
Christmas in the Commons
At Standish-Sterling Central High School, they are giving back to the community with their Christmas in the Commons. This is an event geared toward the younger children around the surrounding community. For one night, children can come to Standish-Sterling Central High School to do crafts, games, and take lot’s of pictures, even with Santa. This also takes place at one of their home basketball games where the children have the opportunity to experience it first hand. For more information, contact their advisor at Standish-Sterling Central High School
Comstock High School:
Literacy Night
Once a year, their Honor Society goes to one of our elementary schools and we put on a thing called literacy night. At literacy night, they invite kids from all over the community and we create reading-directed activities for the children to help with their literacy. This also helps to enhance the reading skills in younger children while doing great community service. For more information contact their advisor, Grueterc@comstockps.org
Troy High School:
Senior Citizens Prom
During their Activist week, their school hosts a Senior Citizen Prom. It is a super fun night where students from our school dance and mingle with elderly from both the nursing home and around Troy. They hire a live jazz band and we learn a lot of classic dances from the senior citizens. They provide punch and cookies and some decorations to take pictures with. It’s a night that their student body looks forward to every year. It is a fun night with the Senior Citizens and learn some classic dances at the same time. For more information contact their advisor, rwerenka2@troy.k12.mi.us
Ovid-Elsi High School:
Boys vs. Girls Canned Food Drive
For one week, they have a school wide competition for witch gender can brig in the most amount of canned food, paper products and money. The winning class gets a treat. Benefits all go toward the local food bank. It may be nice to have a male, and a female teacher as captains, this will boost moral within the classes. You will need posters, announcements, and ways of communicating to the students what you are going to do. A kick off assembly may be needed. For more information contact their advisor, Stephanie Anderson
Fraser High School:
Rambler Acts (instead of random acts)
We have 4 containers filled with slips that say random acts of kindness. Some say “give someone a compliment” some say “ask someone if you can help them” or some may say “free choice” ect. They are all random acts of kindness. Each graduating class has their own jar. When you are done with your random act, post a picture of it on Instagram/ Twitter and put the slip into the “done” container that pertains to your grade. (There are four “done” containers just like their are four containers filled with slips of random acts). Basically it’s a competition to see which class can complete the most random acts of kindness. Optional: prize for the class that does the most. This is to spread kindness throughout the school and community. For more information contact Fraser High School at Rachael.griffith15&students.fraserk12.org
Stoney Creek High School:
Holiday Giving Tree
During the last week of school before holiday break, we set up a Christmas tree in the senior locker bank and cover the tree in tags with items that people in our school need to provide a Christmas for their families. The families email the counselors what they need and they create the list. It is completely anonymous and provides for a family in need. For more information contact their advisor, Dan Bliss
Chippewa Hills High School:
Warrior Break-away Day
This activity lasts the whole day. Prior to Warrior Break-away day the students sign up for about five sessions. These sessions pertain to things like military service, college, bullying, domestic violence, just anything that would apply to kids in high school. At the end of the day we have a speaker for the entire student body. Scheduling a large amount of students is a lot of work, so prepare yourself for that. Students have the opportunity to learn something about topic they attended. For more information contact their advisor, mnewman@chsd.us
Chippewa Hills High School:
The 10 Days of Christmas
The 10 Days of Christmas is an event that was created at our school to promote both school holiday spirit and as a service project to benefit our community during the holidays. It lasts 2 weeks or 10 school days, hence the name The 10 Days of Christmas, before our holiday break. Every day, during the 2 week time period, is assigned a dress up day and a themed food or toy item that we will collect on this day. The themed days used can be decided at any schools discretion but some favorites at our school are: pajama day, winter wear, twin day, santa hat day, and ugly sweater day. We also try to coordinate the dress up day and the item being collected on the same day. For instance on winter wear day we collect hot chocolate and on twin day we collect two of anything. At the end of the two weeks we close up with collecting any food or toy items that kids will bring in. We then have a local organization come and collect all the items so they can pass out the items to families in our community in time for the holidays. At our school we motivate kids to participate by making it a competition. I would strongly advise this. We make ours a competition between homerooms. We set up a 10 days of Christmas station in our lobby and kids check in to the station, in the morning before school or during lunch, to get points for dressing up or bringing in items. These points then go to their homeroom. The station is worked by students in our our school’s NHS. At the end of the 2 weeks the homeroom with the most points wins. We have had great success for a few years now with this event. We like to usually kick off the event with an assembly. We have kids in our organization dress up to display examples of how to dress up for the themed days and bring in the items that match their day. This assembly usually goes very well and is good visual way to show our students how to participate and to get them in the holiday spirit. Also the competition aspect of the event can be easily changed to fit whatever competition would wok best at your school, such as. instead of a homeroom competition, a class competition. Our goal is to bring some holiday spirit to our school and to help our community out during the holidays. For more information contact their advisor, mkremsreiter@chsd.us
Pinconning High School:
Halloween in the Hallways
During Halloween week, classes are asked to participate in a door decorating contest. They can be done by either classes or clubs. Then on Halloween night, high schoolers dress up and hand out candy to trick or treaters all along the hallway! The whole community is invited to come so that way it is a safe environment for young children and the weather isn’t a worry! Music is played and decorations are hung. It is a fun night for both young and old kids! We have a rather small community and school so the cost of back up candy os relatively low. However if you are still considering this, it might be a bit more costly depending on population and participation. Definitely try it still though! Happy, safe, sugared up children! For more information contact the advisor at Pinconning High School.