What to Wear
With the exception of the awards banquet, THIS IS AN ALL JEANS WEEKEND. However, jeans should not have any holes and should fit at the waist. Yoga pants are allowed (please remind students to have all “fronts” and “backs” covered). No shorts or flip-flops are allowed for the conference. Anyone who is dressed inappropriately at any time during the three days will be asked to change or leave the conference.
Day #1: “School T-shirt Day:” During the day, wear your COUNCIL, NHS or GOVERNMENT shirts. Coordinate with your group to wear your group’s best shirt! Conference appropriate attire all day long.
Day #2: “OZ Character Day!’”- Get ready to bring the magic of Oz to life! We encourage students to dress as their favorite Wizard of Oz characters. Whether you channel Dorothy with a gingham dress and ruby slippers, the Scarecrow with a straw hat and plaid shirt, or the Tin Man with silver accents and a funnel hat, let your creativity shine! Don’t forget your yellow brick road spirit—simple props like a basket, red or striped socks, or even a rainbow-themed outfit are perfect. Have fun and show your character! (When planning, please remind your group that all outfits must still remain conference appropriate.)
Day #3: Wear your “Conference” t-shirt you received at registration! Students are also strongly encouraged to accessorize with any Oz themed, conference appropriate items to add to the fun! Be Creative!
Awards Ceremony: On the night of Day #2, we will hold our annual state awards ceremony. This ceremony is a semi-formal event and we ask students to dress accordingly. No jeans, shorts or leggings.
STUDENT CELEBRATION & REMINDER: After the conclusion of our Awards ceremony, our official Sunday conference programming will end. We will be hosting a “Student Celebration” from 9:30-10:30pm for all student leaders that would like to attend, but attendance is not mandatory. We will not be monitoring students coming or going from this part of the program, allowing advisers to form a plan with their group.
NOTE: If your students plan to attend this part of the program, we ask that they are accompanied by their group’s adviser/chaperone.
In addition to the themed dance, students can count on a number of other activities including; Large inflatable games, bean bag toss, picture green screen, gaming systems, movies and more. A larger variance in activities will appeal to our eclectic group of leaders, allowing everyone to get in on the fun.
Student Celebration: Students should plan to dress accordingly for our “celebration.” Casual clothes can be worn for the night’s fun but they must adhere to all dress code requirements. There will be time for students to return to their rooms to change. The theme for the student celebration is: Neon
Dress Code Video: For more information on what to wear during the State Conference, check out our host school’s dress code video.