2024-25 Charity of the Year: Camp Kesem (Michigan Branch)
- In the “Donor Name” section, please add your full school name
- If mailing a check opposed to the digital donation use the following
- Checks made out to “Camp Kesem”
- Memo line “MASC Fundraiser”
- Address: Kesem, 440 N Barranca Ave #2273, Covina, CA 91723
Camp Kesem W-9
Today, more than 5 million children are affected by a parent’s cancer. Data shows that children impacted by a parent’s cancer can experience increased anxiety, emotional isolation, loss of social interest, and feelings of hopelessness. If not addressed, these challenges can persist into adulthood.
Camp Kesem: Learn More
Although monetary donations GREATLY impact families throughout Michigan, there are other ways to help!
Here are some Ways to Help:
- Donate (direct donation link coming soon)
- Volunteer opportunities
- State Conference: Item wish list (coming soon)
- Attend or support our annual events
- Host a fundraiser in your community
- Include us in your matching gift program at work
- Make a one-time donation or recurring pledge
- Show your support by wearing our brand!
Extra Credit: Supporting your own Local COY – Here’s how it works:
This year student groups can look to their own community for nonprofits that are doing amazing work supporting their neighbors and community members. Your student group will review what nonprofits operate in your community and will select one local nonprofit that you would like to highlight as your school’s very own “Charity of the Year.” Here’s where the fun starts! After you’ve made your selection, we want schools reaching out to learn more about that nonprofits mission, benefits, organizational structure and the value they provide to your community. This information will be collected by your student group and turned into a 10-minute or less video overview of your selection.
This project gives educators the chance to encourage students to take a closer look at service leadership in their own communities, learn more about community initiatives and projects and provides students with a curricular activity (with an informational interview.) In the video overview students will also highlight their work to support this nonprofit, whether that be with fundraising, material collection, a social media awareness campaign or other creative ideas.
Help Promote Local Charities and their Work!
After your group has made the selection, follow our informational collection guide to help craft a custom video. These videos can be posted to your schools social media accounts, to local city webpages or shared with other media outlets to help spread the word and provide more exposure!
Informational Interview Video Should Include the Following (click to enlarge):
Students are encouraged to use video editing software to enhance the presentation and incorporate photos, video from student fundraising, awareness projects, images or promotional created, and video from the interview with your charities spokesperson.
COY Submission Videos!
Regina High School
Waterford Mott High School
Salem High School