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Letter of Respect

I have always been a proponent of writing letters. I write letters to my sisters accompanied by scribbled-on sticky notes and stickers that I think that they would enjoy. I write letters to my friends filled with inside jokes and disbelief on the times…

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Student to Student: Perspective

Perspective We all have stories of our lives. Every day, our rough drafts consist of countless events and moments. We write pages and pages for others to read but before it’s ultimately published, we edit. We revise plot points and take out details that…

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Lessons of Vulnerability

As March begins, snow showers (hopefully) turn to rain showers and flowers begin to bloom; spring has officially begun. The new season signifies a time for rebirth in nature. It is important to us to take this time to look at ourselves critically and…

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The Importance of Vulnerability

In a society that has taught us to keep our guard up, most people cringe at the word “vulnerability.” Being vulnerable is associated with the risk of being viewed as weak, needy, and emotionally exposed—directly contrasting the culture of heartlessness that is commonly boasted…

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Grit and Growth

With the holiday break coming to an end, we are all finding ourselves in different places in our lives. Some of us are excited to start our new journey at college whereas others of us are trying to push through to find motivation for…

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As we get back into the school season, it is easy to find ourselves falling into an aimless daily routine. Everything we are involved in may begin to pile up and it can seem that the only thing our life is made up of…

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Get Ready For Regionals!

For me, the month of February means three things: the Super Bowl, Valentines Day, and Regional Conferences. The first I watch for the commercials, the second I spend with my family, and the third I wait for all year round. Regional conferences are filled…

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The Season for Giving

With the holidays right around the corner, it’s the season for giving- the season for Servant Leadership. Servant Leadership is taking action to do things that will benefit others, without expecting anything back in return. It’s the most rewarding, yet the least recognized type…

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Starting the Year!

Hi everyone! My name is Blake Prebay and I am your MASC/MAHS Student Board of Delegates President for the 2018-2019 school year! I am ecstatic to have the opportunity to help lead another amazing year of student leadership across Michigan and to work alongside…

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