2018 School Year Submissions
Bloomfield Hills High School
Homecoming Spirit Packages
Homecoming spirit packages are packages that students buy that contain a class t-shirt, a noise maker, and accessories based on that years homecoming theme. Throughout the spirit week students who purchase a homecoming spirit package can use their items on any and all of the spirit days. Although, the main purpose is to be used for the Black Hawk Games event (see my post under school spirit) where entire grades are matching and using their packages to get excited.
Chippewa Hills High School
Penny War
Our student body comes together for one week in November (far enough away from Homecoming and not yet Christmas) where we hold a class competition to see who can get the highest positive total of pennies. Students bring pennies in for their class and silver/dollars in to place in other classes jars. Jars are placed in each room during the day (we do this during home room) and then are collected before the end of the day. We encourage competition by counting the money daily and posting the totals all over social media and in our announcements. The class competition really drives this event. We changed it to a class competition this year and went from raising $250 in 2016 to over $2250 this year!!!
2016-17 School Year Submissions
Berkley High School:
Stefanie Coburn – scoburn@berkleyschools.com
Staff vs. Senior Basketball Game:
The presentation will have both physical and visual elements. On a screen, a prezi will be used to describe the process of planning and executing the Staff vs. Senior Basketball Game. It will provide fun pictures of the event that illustrate the massive student involvement. Viewers will be able to see examples of jerseys and programs in person. The greatest appeal of this event is that it raised over$2,000 in one evening and students were able to connect to staff members, bringing the high school community closer together overall.
Royal Oak High School:
John Decker – Deckerj@royaloakschools.org
Volleyball Marathon:
Our presentation will be on our Volleyball Marathon. First we will start with a power point which will include pictures and videos from years before and information on exactly what it is. We will then have volleyballs and tshirts available as a prize for students who are able to answer questions about the power point to us. We will also do a volleyball questionnaire. Last we will show the students how they are able to organize something like this in there schools whether it’s for volleyball or dodge ball or any other sport of their choice.
Paul K. Cousino High School:
Thomas Pieprzyk – pieprzyk@wcskids.net
Acad-a-Me Awards:
Acad-a-Me Awards is a semi formal senior mock election / talent show. Bringing talents such as singing, dancing, juggling, acrobatics, comedy and music. Like an actual award show we have skit presentations per senior mock award. Most students are treated like school celebrities with paparazzi and news coverage from school organizations. It’s also an entire student run event and our biggest leadership fundraiser of the year. Drawing attention from the whole school and also the community.
Pinckney High School:
Lori Maurer – Lmaurer@pinckneypirates.org
Our presentation contains information about The Anti-Bullying campaign. There are several slides to go over what we do for each day of the week and pictures to go along with it. We have a quick close-pin activity that is fun to participate in but leaves the students with an important message. After our activity we show a short clip from the movie “Cyberbully” and list statistics about bullying.
Regina High School:
Jessica Craft – jcraft@reginahs.com
Hair Donation Drive:
Regina High School organized its first Hair Donation Drive to donate hair and money to cancer victims both locally and across the nation. Students were encouraged to donate in three different ways. Students could donate money to a local charity that helps young woman who have been diagnosed with breast cancer. Students could have their hair cut at a salon or could sign up to have their hair cut at Regina High School by professional hair dressers. All hair donations went to Children with Medical Hair Loss to make wigs. Over $400 dollars collected and 800 inches of hair donated!
Athens High School:
Shawn Dufresne – SDufresne@troy.k12.mi.us
Charity Week:
We will be presenting on our annual Charity Week. Last year we raised $57,000. We do about 15 events throughout the week and we will be talking about all of them. We will also touch on how to get the student body involved and how to get administration behind running events. This week is one of the best weeks of our lives and we can’t wait to share. We are eager to see other schools do this, and to see the impact they have on others lives.
Southfield Lathrup High School:
Amy Gibson – amy.gibson@southfieldk12.org
Participants will be challenged in a “funny” academic-arena (obstacles, races) and will learn how our NHS reaches out to the community in order to mentor and encourage those Academic Heroes in our elementary and middle schools! This Assembly program has become one of our most desired programs in our district! Attendees will learn & experience the program details so that they may begin this program immediately at their schools!
Pinckney Community High School:
Lori Maurer – Lmaurer@pinckneypirates.org
Tape a Teacher!
To raise money for Special Olympics of Michigan, we taped two teachers to a pole. This fundraiser is easy to put on, assuming you have teachers who will volunteer as tribute, and a hardware store to help with the duct tape.
Troy High School:
Ryan Werenka – rwerenka@troy.k12.mi.us
Fighting for our Own:
Over a two week time period, we raised money for a girl in our school who was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Many different clubs and activities participated in this two week long fundraiser that raised over $33,000. We did Rent-a-Senior, lunch games, week of restaurants, and personal communications did a dodge ball tournament.
Utica High School:
Kimberly Hodsdon – Kimberly.Hodsdon@uticak12.org
Winter Dance:
UCS Budget cuts made this school year left the student activities fund empty. To raise extra money, we threw an informal winter dance on a low costing budget and made over $1400 in profit. Using former homecoming and homemade decorations made by our student council, we save money overall. A Utica High Alumni DJed and put on a great dance for a low price. We charged $10 at the door with school I.D. and didn’t allow outside guests. Also some of the teacher staff that supervised, was all voluntary and helped make the dance a success at a low cost.
Grosse Ille High School:
Joanna Demars – demarsj@gischools.org
Beach Vollyball:
Come learn about a fun and new way to raise money for your student council, NHS, or a charity of your choice! This summer, the junior class at Grosse Ile High School put together a beach volleyball tournament for our students. In our presentation, you will learn about what steps you can take to put on a tournament of your own! Plus, we will you tailor the event to your school, such as without using a beach volleyball court, with a different school size, and much more!
2015-16 School Year Submissions
Rochester High School:
A Night With the Stars
At Rochester High, we have a special night for our senior class called Night with the Stars. This is an event that combines video, talent and humor to celebrate the class and have some fun. We use a Senior mock election, to create an “Oscar’s Night” as a fundraiser for the Senior Class. For more information contact Ms. Kelley Cousmano
Oxford High School:
We Wear Pink!
At Oxford High School, we sell “Pink” wear to have pink spirit days every Wednesday. This is a great opportunity to not only hold weekly spirit days, but as a fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness. For more information contact Ms. Katie Goetz
Chelsea High School:
FundRAISING Success
At Chelsea High School, we know a thing or two about fundraising. We can provide councils with ideas as to how they can raise money for a charity or for their class. We have tons of ideas, Holiday treat sales, Matchmaker events, bottle drives, and many more. We can also give tips to the preperation and awareness for your fundraisers! For more information contact Ms. Lisa Stebelton
Pinckney High School:
Suicide Awareness Volleyball Game
Our school put on a suicide awareness volleyball game to increase our schools awareness and prevention for teen suicide. Everyone wore yellow at the game, we were able to sell shirts for the events and do a miracle minute during the game. For more information contact Ms. Lorie Mauer
Southfield-Lathrup High School:
A Difference in the Marking
New initiatives for fun, charitible events to bring into your school. “July in Christmas” and “Love is Louder ” were our 2013 Projects! Ask about how we created our project plans and learn how to create an Awareness Campaign that makes an impact in your school and community! We strive to install god leadership skills while maintaining required GPAS. For more information contact Ms. Amy Gibson
John Glenn High School:
Pink for a Cure
The Pink for a Cure event is a fundraiser event that John Glenn High School puts on with a passion. They put on games and activities for students within the school and surrounding community to help raise money for breast cancer research. Students also get a hands on experience on how to plan event in the future and give them the necessary tools to have that event become successful. For more information, contact their advisor, Shelly Hoffman.
John Glenn High School:
Competitive Fundraising
If you are a school that likes to be competitive within their organization, then you might want to give this idea a try. John Gleen calls it Competitive Fundraising. Theses are a serises of presentations that will give students different ideas to help fundraise during that stressful week of homecoming. Students will demonstrate and show the “good” ways to have a “friendly” competition between classes. For more information contact their advisor, Shelly Hoffman
John Glenn High School:
Competitive Fundraising Through Homecoming Week
Ever have the issue where you don’t have enough ideas for homecoming week? Look no more, because John Glenn High School is here to help. They put on different activities throughout their school that not only raise money, but also get the whole student body involved. They use different ideas such as jugs for penny wars, announcements to raise awareness within their school, and having a friendly competition throughout the grade. For more information, contact Mrs.Shelly Hoffman
L’Anse Creuse High School:
Male Beauty Pageant
This was an event thrown as a male beauty pageant to raise money for the state charity. The rounds included a dance, a question and answer, and a talent round. The categories included Mr. nice guy, Mr.. tough guy, Mr. smart guy, Mr. lancer jr, and Mr. lancer. A very fun and unique way to get your entire school body involved in a good cause! For more information contact Matt Alley
Canton High School:
Minute to Win it for Hunger
Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on what we are thankful for. In particular, our Congress realized we were thankful to have a meal on Thanksgiving. This inspired us to run a fundraiser on the Monday and Tuesday before Thanksgiving break. During all three lunches we ran a minute to win it fundraiser. Congress members ran around the cafeteria for one minute collecting change from the student body. Meanwhile, one Congress member timed the minute and read aloud facts about hunger to encourage students to donate. We donated all of the money to our local Salvation Army. This event works well over multiple days because students are more likely to remember to bring money the second day. You will need containers to collect change, a microphone and speaker, and about a dozen students to run around the cafeteria to collect. We wanted to raise money for our local Salvation Army’s food bank. For more information contact their advisor, Nicholas Fotui
East Detroit High School:
Boo Grams
During Halloween time their school sells little ghosts. They get ghost templates and cut them out and sell them to the students for $.50. The ghosts have messages on the inside of them like “you’re my boo” “will you be my boo?” or another cute Halloween phrase.They write who they want to send it to and their classroom and we deliver them on Halloween with a piece of candy. This is a fun, yet simple and easy fundraiser to raise money during the Halloween season. For more information contact their advisor, svanhaeren@eds.misd.net
Salem High School:
Stick it to the Staff
This is a great fundraiser to get the whole school involved, while having a little fun with the teachers and staff in the building. During a period of time, they sell strips of duct tape to tape the particular teacher or staff member to the wall. The object is to try to get enough money and enough tape for a staff member or teacher to stay on the wall for the longest. Publicity is very important to make this event work. We hosted this event in the cafeteria during lunch and spent the week advertising over the school announcements, school website, and flyers. You need ab enthusiastic staff member, blank wall for taping, and 10-12 rolls of duct tape. For more information contact their advisor, Ty Moss
Grosse IIe High School:
No-shave November
Students and teachers during the month of November do not shave their face. At the end of the month people vote for their favorite beard by donating cans or money. Whoever the top 3 with votes are get a Buffalo Wild Wings Gift card, and all the money goes to buying cans for our canned food drive. The key is to take pictures of the people before November and after November and put them all on a poster board during the election so people can see all the beards. Have the election during lunch so all students can participate. For more information contact their advisor, demarsj@gischools.org
L’Anse Creuse High School:
Powerbuff is a twist on most schools’ Powderpuff activity: instead of girls playing football, this is guys playing in a volleyball tournament. The event is open to boys from all grades, and they are responsible for making their own teams ahead of time and registering. The boys get a “coach” (a member of the girls’ Varsity volleyball team), and they are allowed one day of open gym time to practice. Someone who is experienced with tournaments/volleyball tournaments makes a bracket to determine which teams will be playing which teams and who winners will go on to play. In the end, one team wins. Admission is charged to attend the event; the proceeds go to a charity/the MASC/MAHS charity of the year. The activity should be held when girls’ volleyball is not in season so that the girl will be more available to help the teams out. We do ours in February. For more information contact their advisor, haynede@lc-ps.org or witkoba@lc-ps.org
Springport High School:
Trump Challenges
Trump challenges are mini competitions within our council that we host throughout the school year. We divide members into unconventional groups to raise the most money in certain fundraiser activities; the events vary from raffling baskets at basketball games, selling cupcakes from our mini cupcake wars, or selling five dollar t-shirts. Trump Challenges force groups to independently solve problems and work together towards a common goal They use the money our student council made to cut costs for MASC/MAHS states, which is an AWESOME Idea! For more information contact their advisor Lisa Overweg
Southfield-Lathrup High School:
Halloween Boorah
Lathrup NHS students hosts a holiday babysitting event called Halloween Boorah for elementary students. The event lasts for about 5 hours on a Friday night before Halloween. Materials used are donated by NHS members. Each child registered for the night is $5 and will be going through stations in the school involving crafts, a snack room, face painting, cookie decorating, movie room, etc. All money raised goes to Pennies for Patients. In December we host a BLOC party (Christmas version and the money goes to Make A Wish foundation.) Advertise as much as possible! The more kids that come, the more excited the event gets, and the more money you will raise. Also, separate the kids into good age groups, it tends to get a little wild if the younger kids are put into a room of older kids. For more information contact their advisor, Amy Gibson