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BE Selfish

My entire life I have worked with technology, from Google Classroom for schoolwork to using my phone to connect to friends far and near. Therefore, I understand a lot of concepts in my life through the lens of technology. In this metaphor, I believe…

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BE, with CVFC: Podcast

BE with CVFC is a podcast crafted by a few of the college students that make up CVFC each month. Each episode focuses on a main theme, each playing off the level two camp curriculum, BE Goals. The members converse about the importance of…

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CVFC College Takeover

This school year, CVFC is excited to relaunch Instagram College Takeovers! We know that thinking about college is stressful, especially for high schoolers. As CVFC, we want to help ease the tension and transition from high school to college. What is a College Takeover?…

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