Unable to Hold Spring Elections? Virtual Election Ideas and Discussion

As schools and advisers begin to sort through their “to-do” list on returning to action in the fall, many are looking at creative ways to process items from left from last spring. A common biggie from that list is holding officer elections for your 20-21 team. To aid in this process, Chris Burlingame (Adviser: Waterford Kettering High School) has shared their modified election process for officer candidacy, as well as supporting documentation for students to understand the timeline, submission and evaluation process. 

Summary of the Modified Election Process:

  • Eligible Student Council Members (per our by-laws and constitution) may complete an officer candidacy declaration form online
  • Some students are already candidates from filing in the spring term
  • In a typical year, I also require students and parents to sign the Candidate Contract (also attached). I am waiving that with the online option and having the parent name consent on the online form.
  • Once approved for candidacy, candidates may begin working on the required elements of running their campaign
  • Candidates should review the list of positions and overview of the general descriptions of their roles
  • Each candidate is responsible for creating an active resume, speech (delivered in a video online) and campaign flyer
  • Voting will take place online at www.wsdmi.org/vote (two days for voting; Thursday/Friday of Campaign Week)
  • Self-promotion/campaigning should take place in a positive way on social media
  • Student Council will also promote candidates on their website and social media (in lieu of in-person, in school promotion)

