Michigan Student Voice:
Our most powerful presentations come from our very own student leaders. A program designed to give our leaders the opportunity to present topics in a fast paced, powerful presentation style on the main stage of our State Conference. As mentioned above, MSV provides a platform for students to create 3min “ted-talk” style keynote presentations and share their passion with thousands of students across the state. All MSV submissions will present at our Regional Connect events, with the top MSV presentations voted on for the chance to present on the main stage at the State Conference!
Student Showcase Competition:
This is what student leadership is all about! Student Showcase Presentations allow for students to present the very best in programming currently being executed in your school. These student-delivered presentations allow for the unique opportunity to not only showcase your incredible programs, but also fine tune your students’ presentation tactics and public speaking abilities – a critical component for young leaders.
Now featuring student scholarships, the SET SEG Foundation comes through for students yet again! We are excited to announce our Student Showcase program will now offer three $1,000 scholarships for the top overall winners! All Student Showcase submissions will present at our Regional Connect events, with the top presentations voted on for the chance to present on the main stage at the State Conference!
The state’s top Showcase presentations will compete at our State Conference for the honor to take home this prize. Full information on submitting your Student Showcase presentation can be found on our Regional Connect event webpage.