Run! (Don’t Walk) to register for Michigan Summer Leadership Camp 2025! Registration is on a first come, first serve basis. Camp registration will close once capacity is reached for each level of camp.
Michigan Summer Leadership Camp is proud to offer camp programming for both middle school and high school students.
- Middle Level Camp: Students entering grades 7 & 8 in the Fall of 2025
- Click here for Middle School Camp details!
- High School Camp: Students entering grades 9, 10, 11 & 12 in the Fall of 2025 or that graduated in the spring of 2025
- Level 1 (1st year attending HS camp)
- Level 2 (2nd year attending HS camp)
- Level 3 (3rd year attending HS camp)
- Level 4 (4th year attending HS camp)
- Click here for details about each High School Camp level!
MASC/MAHS has teamed up with to offer you a streamlined registration process this year! Once registration opens, you will use the link below to take you directly to our Camp Registration Portal. You will create an account within this portal, including a Username and Password. Once you have created your account, you will add your camper(s) information, select their camp session and level, view & complete required forms, set up payment and submit your registration.
After you have completed your registration and paid your deposit, you will receive an email confirmation to the email address provided. You will continue to receive reminders to this email address until all required forms/documents are submitted and your camp fee is paid in full. Watch your Inbox! You will also receive important camp information at this email address.
In order to submit your registration for our Summer Leadership Camps, you must place a deposit (which is applied to your final cost) or pay your registration fee in full.
- High School Camp Fee (per camper)
- Total Camp Fee of $499
- Initial Deposit of $250
- Middle School Camp Fee (per camper)
- Total Camp Fee of $199
- Initial Deposit of $100
The balance of each student’s registration is due on or before June 14, 2025.
Our new registration portal will provide you the opportunity to set up a payment plan during the registration process for your remaining balance after your deposit is paid. Payment for camp will need to be made directly in the Camp Registration Portal using a debit/credit card or an electronic check.
Registrants may cancel their spot with Michigan Summer Leadership Camp until June 14, 2024 without penalty and to receive a full refund. For a registration to be canceled, the Camp Director must be notified via phone at (517) 327-5315 or via email at Camp registration deposits/fees are non-refundable for any reason for any cancellations made after June 14, 2025.
- Red Circle by “Checkout Icon”
- You may see a “red circle” by your Checkout icon insider your profile – this is completely normal. This means your payment is currently being processed or you selected to make installment payments towards camp registration.
- After payment is approved or after you have made your final installment of your payment plan, this circle becomes “green” indicating successful payment of camp registration. After successful payment, users will receive an emailed receipt for confirmation.
- Pending Payment
- Once the payment clears you will see it reflected on your balance. In most cases this will happen immediately, but in some cases it can take up to 24 hours to completely process. If any payments are pending for longer than 48 hours please let us know.
The MASC/MAHS Michigan Student Leadership staff is always willing to help should you need help with the registration process.
- If you have questions regarding camp (levels, policies, dietary/medical concerns), please email us at
- If you encounter technical issues with our new Camp Registration Portal (creating an account, using our registration portal, forgot your password, etc…), please reach out directly to for technical assistance.
2025 SET SEG Leadership Camp Scholarship
Our partners at SET SEG continue to show their generosity and commitment to the MASC/MAHS Summer Leadership Camp and student leaders across Michigan.
Offering 65 full ride scholarships! Make sure to add a reminder to submit your application!
DEADLINE: SET SEG scholarship deadline is May 12th!
For more information on this years SET SEG Leadership Camp Scholarship and to apply – click the submit button below!
Mr. K Camp Scholarship
Due to the generosity of our camp alumni, advises and families of our students, as well as community members who believe in the cause, members of the MASC/MAHS Michigan Student Leadership College Facilitator Corps are able to administer a donation-sustained financial assistance program for students who may not be able to attend camp otherwise. Named in memory of longtime adviser, mentor, and friend of the MASC/MAHS Michigan Student Leadership, Mr. Jack Kalousek of Livonia Franklin High School, the “Mr. K” Scholarship Fund is replenished each year with fund-raisers and donation drives conducted prior to the camp season each year.
Due July 1st, 2020
In addition to the SET SEG Scholarship, our dedicated Camp Junior Counselors (JCs) work all year long to provide additional partial scholarships for students to attend our Summer Leadership Camp program. The amount and number of partial scholarships varies year to year based on the total amount of funds raised through various efforts. Students interested in learning more about the JC Scholarship application process and students that would like to apply can use the link below.
Scholarship Application Deadline: June 2nd