Our Student Mental Health Summit was amazing last year. Schools from all over Michigan brought teams inclusive of building administration, counselors, student leadership advisers and 6-12 grade STUDENTS! Teams heard from keynote speakers, completed a school self-assessment and learned about successful student mental health programming from colleagues. This year MASSP and MASC/MAHS planned to have a separate SMH conference for middle schools and one for high schools. Continued COVID-19 concerns have caused us to move these events to a fully virtual environment and to offer a two day event on October 5 and 6. Middle and High School teams will benefit from the sessions on both days and can tune in live or watch recordings of the sessions.
We are currently seeking proposals for presentations and are particularly interested in practitioners sharing their expertise and experiences in the following areas:
- The pandemic impact on student mental health and how to support students in a remote environment.
- Student mental health programming that is student to student delivered/facilitated.
- Student mental health programming facilitated/delivered by school staff or from an outside agency.
- Student mental health focused activities.
- Student mental health public service announcements and/or posters/messaging created by students for students.
- Partnerships between schools and community mental health or other agencies that have had a positive impact.
- Successful anti-bullying campaigns.
- Social media and screen time impact on student mental health.
- Raising awareness of student mental health concerns, symptoms and actions to be taken.
- Programming addressing student anxiety and/or depression.
If you have positive outcomes to share on any of the topics listed above (or one that we may have missed) please consider sharing your success with your colleagues and submit a presentation proposal. Presenters will have the option of recording their session and providing Q & A or delivering the session in real time via zoom. The deadline for presentation submissions is Friday, August 14, 2020. Questions regarding presentations can be directed to Matt Alley at matt@mascmahs.org.