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From the Archives: January 21

In a previous From the Archives, I shared information on the National Conference on Student Activities (NCSA) sponsored by the National Association of Workshop Directors (NAWD.) Over the three day weekend of December 4th-6th, I was able to join 316 student activity advocates from…

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Student to Student: Goal Setting

NEW year means NEW possibilities (& how to balance) The year that we just endured is one that we can all collaboratively agree has changed our lives drastically. In a world where so many external factors remain uncertain, it is important to keep yourself…

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Student to Student: Growth

For most, this year has been a boiling pot of overwhelming emotions. used to wake up with so much heaviness on my heart and tell myself: I hope the pain of this past year is not wasted. Then I would drag myself out of bed…

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Letter of Respect

I have always been a proponent of writing letters. I write letters to my sisters accompanied by scribbled-on sticky notes and stickers that I think that they would enjoy. I write letters to my friends filled with inside jokes and disbelief on the times…

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From the Archives: October

In three weeks, the voting in the 2020 Presidential Election will be over.  Hopefully, a winner will have been declared and we can move forward for the next four years.  This may be wishful thinking, but I truly hope we can move past rhetoric…

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From the Archives: September 20

In July, the NAWD Board of Directors made the decision to make the 2020 National Conference on Student Activities a virtual event rather than meeting in person in Boston.  In the eight weeks since the decision, the NAWD Board has met virtually to plan…

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Student to Student: Perspective

Perspective We all have stories of our lives. Every day, our rough drafts consist of countless events and moments. We write pages and pages for others to read but before it’s ultimately published, we edit. We revise plot points and take out details that…

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2020 Fall Program Line-up!

Much like the unknowns your school is currently contemplating with the return to school, MASC/MAHS is in a similar situation. As much as we want to get back to educating our student leaders and providing meaningful, dedicated programming – a 300+ student event with…

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